

艾斯拜瑞大学市 (“Asbury” or “the university”) provides this website (“site”) as a service to students, 教师, 校友, 未来的学生.  Use of the site is subject to the terms and conditions set forth below in Asbury’s 隐私政策 (“policy”). 

尽管Asbury尊重本网站用户(或“会员”或“访客”)的隐私。, 该大学从其网站会员和访问者那里收集信息.  The 隐私政策 governs users’ interaction with the site and users’ registration for and use of the site’s online services.  除本隐私政策另有规定外,本网站的 服务条款 协议, 和/或其他已发布的指南, Asbury does not release personally identifiable information about the site’s visitors without their permission.

请注意,Asbury会不时审查这些隐私惯例, 因此,这些做法是可以改变的.  Asbury asks users to periodically review this p年龄 to ensure continuing familiarity with the most current version of the site’s 隐私政策.  关于隐私问题联系Asbury, 举报违反本网站隐私政策的行为, 或提出任何其他有关该网站的问题, 请发邮件到 webmaster@pabk.net.



  1. 非个人身份信息.  当用户访问站点时, 阿斯伯里收集和汇总信息表明, 除此之外, 访问了哪些页面, 他们被拜访的顺序, 以及使用了哪些超链接.  收集这些信息需要记录IP地址, 操作系统, 以及每个访问者使用的浏览器软件.  尽管这些信息不能识别个人身份, the university can determine from the IP address a visitor’s Internet Service Provider and the geographic location of the user’s point of connectivity.

    The non-personally identifiable information collected helps in diagnosing any server problems, 管理网站, 确定站点中最受欢迎的区域, 并确定促销活动的有效性. 

    出于同样的目的, 这所大学使用“曲奇”, small text files placed on your computer’s hard drive – to help determine the type of content and sites visited, 在某一特定地点停留的时间, 以及通过网站提供服务的使用情况.  有关用户如何控制其Web浏览器接受cookie的信息, 请参考浏览器附带的文档.

  2. 个人身份信息.  Certain areas of the site may require that users provide personally identifiable information (including, 例如, 邮政编码, 年龄, 收入, 及电邮地址).  除了, 在注册时设置帐户以使用网站上的某些服务,如电子邮件, 聊天室, 论坛, 或接收通讯或特定目标信息(“服务”), Asbury可能要求用户提供他们的姓名和电子邮件地址.

    The university does not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children (defined herein as minors younger than thirteen years of 年龄) without obtaining parental consent.  在注册帐户使用本网站的服务之前, Asbury requests that all minors have their parents read the 隐私政策 and continue their involvement throughout the registration process.

    Asbury不控制本网站会员或访问者的行为.  All members and visitors should be aware that their disclosure of personally identifiable information in a bulletin board, 聊天室, 客人的书, 或者其他论坛允许其他各方向他们发送未经请求的电子邮件.  In the event visitors encounter any user on this site who is improperly collecting or using information provided by the site’s members or visitors, 请联系 webmaster@pabk.net.


Please take some time to become familiar with the different ways Asbury uses the information gathered.  记住这一点, while the university encour年龄s all third parties involved to adhere to this site’s 隐私政策 and to otherwise handle personal information in a responsible manner, Asbury cannot and does not assume any responsibility for any actions or omissions of third parties, including the manner in which they use information received either from the university or independently.  不过, 在事件中,用户遇到任何与, 或者声称与阿斯伯里有关联的人, 谁在不恰当地收集或使用个人信息, 请联系 webmaster@pabk.net谁将信息转发给第三方.

  1. 使用非个人身份信息.  The university uses non-personally identifiable information in aggregate form to build higher quality, more useful online services by performing statistical analyses of the collective characteristics and behavior of the site visitors, 并且通过测量网站特定区域的人口统计和兴趣.

    本网站可能包含到其他互联网网站的链接, including co-branded or other affiliated sites that may or may not be owned or operated by Asbury.  除非另有明确说明, 大学不对此类网站的隐私惯例或内容负责, 包括该等网站对任何信息(如IP地址)的使用, 浏览器类型, (或操作系统),当访问者点击这些网站的链接时收集.  即使这些信息可能无法识别用户的个人身份, 用户应熟悉其他网站的隐私惯例.

  2. 个人身份信息的使用.  The university provides notice to potential registrants of this site whose personally identifiable information will be collected during the registration process.  Such notice is provided simultaneously with the user’s registration on this site; moreover, this policy itself serves as notice that such information is collected under those circumstances.  Although users may not “opt out” of the registration process and still receive access to the services, users may choose to “opt out” of receiving promotional materials from the university and/or other business partners.  如果用户没有“选择退出”接收此类宣传材料, Asbury reserves the right to release user’s personally identifiable registration information to third parties who provide goods or services that the university believes may be of interest to the user.  如果用户决定停止接收来自此类第三方的促销信息, 请直接联系这些第三方, 或与阿斯伯里联系 webmaster@pabk.net.

    Asbury limits its own email contact and solicitations to those users who have not “opted out” of receiving such communications.  征集是有限的,因为他们, 除此之外, will clearly indicate the originator of the email and provide the user with a method of “opting out” of receiving future communications of a similar nature.

    最后, Asbury可能会使用个人会员的数据来“预填充”表单, 哪些是大学为收集个人资料而显示的.  在任何情况下,预填充表单都不会向任何第三方传输任何数据.  Only if the user voluntarily requests that such data be transferred will any transfer take place – 例如, 当用户点击“提交表单”按钮或其他按钮时.

    Asbury reserves the right to release any and all information contained within 访问日志 concerning any visitor when that visitor is in violation of the university’s “服务条款” 协议 or other published guidelines, 或参与(或有理由怀疑参与)任何非法活动, 即使没有传票, 保证, 或者其他法院命令, 并公布这些信息以回应调查请求, 或者是为了应对大学, 自行决定, 紧急事件.  Asbury cooperates with law enforcement 年龄ncies in identifying those who may be using its servers or services for illegal activities.  Asbury also reserves the right to report any suspected illegal activity to law enforcement for investigation or prosecution.

    Asbury will post the relevant privacy information in the official rules and/or registration area for any promotions it sponsors.  隐私信息, 在与本隐私政策相冲突的范围内, 会控制那个特别的促销吗.


All information gathered on the site is stored within a controlled database accessible only to the university to protect the loss, 滥用, 或者改变其所控制的信息.  然而, 和学校实施的任何安全措施一样有效, 没有什么安全系统是牢不可破的.  Asbury不能保证其数据库的安全性, nor can it guarantee that the information supplied by users will not be intercepted while being transmitted over the Internet.  有关本隐私政策的问题,请直接向 webmaster@pabk.net.


If users would like to have personally identifiable information changed or removed from Asbury’s database, 请联系 webmaster@pabk.net.  请记住,数据库中会保留一些残留信息, 访问日志, 还有其他记录, 其中可能包含或不包含此类个人身份信息.  The residual information will not be used for commercial purposes; however, 学校保留权利, 不时地, 重新联系以前的客户或本网站的用户.


有关隐私政策的问题,请直接向大学咨询 webmaster@pabk.net.
