Campus Safety – Asbury University-电子游艺信誉排行
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Campus Safety

Asbury University is a relatively safe and secure campus community; however, crimes do occur on and near campus. 以下是关于个人安全和校园财产安全的信息.

Security Staff

电子游艺信誉排行雇佣并培训自己的保安人员,作为阿斯伯里社区的服务提供者. 保安人员有几个专业,包括安全和威胁评估, first aid and CPR, law enforcement, 刑事司法/安全研究和刑事调查. 大多数全职员工拥有研究生学位和/或执法经验.

保安人员全年7天,每天24小时值班. Additionally, the Director of Campus Safety & 保安在一周内值班,24/7随叫随到. 如果需要信息或帮助,可以通过以下方式与大学总机/调度员联系 (859) 858-3511, extension 0.

校园保安人员在值班期间与总机操作员/调度员保持无线电联系. Additionally, should an urgent situation arise, 值勤人员也可以联系Jessamine县911报警, ambulance or police assistance.

保安人员向校园安全主任报告所有犯罪行为 & Security for inclusion on the University website daily log, 以及随后根据明格尔和克莱里法案提交的州和联邦报告. 我们强烈鼓励所有违法行为的受害者向威尔莫尔警察局举报犯罪行为, and Safety & 保安人员可以与学生和员工会面,协助他们向警方报告事件. Campus Safety & 安全部门将在调查期间协助警方.

Campus Buildings

一般来说,校园建筑从周一到周五早上7点开放.m. to 11 p.m. 除了特殊活动外,许多建筑和教室周末都不开放. 您可以24小时联系总机/调度员,电话:(859)858-3511,分机0.

Residence halls are secured 24/7. 一个注册的学生,有一个批准的电子编码I.D. card, may enter their residence hall by using their I.D. card. Should the card reader malfunction or a card be misplaced, 目前居住在宿舍的学生可以通过前往海格行政大楼的总机获得访问权限.

Crime on Campus

任何已知或观察到的犯罪必须报告给总机操作员或校园安全主管 & Security as soon as possible. 电子游艺信誉排行在校园内提倡“看到什么就说什么”的理念,以配合国土安全部维护社区安全的努力. Students, employees, 访客应向大学总机报告有关事件,电话:(859)858-3511, extension 0, so Safety & Security can respond to the incident. 在任何紧急情况下,一个人都应该拨打911,到达Jessamine县911. 在与911调度员交谈后,大学总机也应该被称为安全 & 保安人员可以协助校园外的急救人员.

所有在宿舍发生的盗窃或破坏行为的投诉必须立即报告给相应的宿舍主任或宿舍主任. 每个学生都有责任锁住宿舍的房间来保护自己的财产, and documenting the make, model, and serial numbers of personal possessions.

Sexual Harassment and Bias Incident Policies

View the University’s Sexual Harassment Policy.

View the University’s bias incident report process, and the online report form

Prohibited Items on Campus

学生或员工不得携带任何烟草制品, alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs to the campus. Confirmation of possession, 使用或销售酒精饮料或非法药物将受到纪律处分, which may include dismissal. 除肯塔基州修订章程规定外,任何人不得携带枪支或其他武器进入校园. 有关枪支的问题应直接向安全主任提出 & Security (859) 858-3511, extension 0.

Campus safety & security orientation

在新生入学指导期间以及全年的不同时间(如住宿助理培训),向学生提供安全和安保信息, desk worker training, and other safety educational opportunities. 在新员工入职培训期间,向新员工提供安全信息. 有安全问题的学生和员工可致电总机/调度员与值班安全人员联系 & 保安每周7天,每天24小时,电话:(859)858-3511,分机0.

Emergency response information and communication

Live Safe大众传播和安全应用程序对所有学生和员工开放, and in part, has the following capabilities:

  1. Emergency texting
  2. Reporting non-emergency concerns/hazards to security staff
  3. Requesting after-hours transport/escort (on campus only)
  4. Viewing emergency response plan excerpts

Timely Warnings: If an event occurs on or near campus, which may constitute an ongoing or continuing threat, a university-wide emergency text will be issued. The warning will be issued via emergency text messaging, email, and/or other means deemed appropriate. 学生在财务注册期间提供手机号码时,会自动注册紧急短信. 在员工入职培训期间,员工会得到紧急短信注册的指导,并在每个学期通过电子邮件进行注册. Internally, 通知可能会张贴在每个住宿设施和学术大楼内,以加强沟通.

所有对外沟通将通过大学战略沟通办公室处理. 取决于犯罪或威胁的具体情况, the university website, 或者使用其他大学媒体与利益相关者和公众进行沟通.

Reporting of fire and crime statistics


Crime Reports Fire Reports

年度人身安全计划和校园消防安全报告, 根据州和联邦法律提供犯罪统计, are available for viewing on the university website at